Victoria State Emergency Service – David Baker

In this episode of the Emergency Management Podcast, we interview Deputy Chief Officer David Baker from the Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES). The VICSES  is the control agency for flood, storm, tsunami earthquake and landslide in Victoria (Australia).

David Baker Victoria State Emergency Service

In this episode, we discuss:

What do SES volunteers do?

The volunteers at VICSES have a range of emergency management responsibilities. Volunteers respond to natural disasters including:

  • flood,
  • storm,
  • earthquake,
  • tsunami and
  • landslide.

SES volunteers also provide road rescue services.

VICSES also assist the Victoria Police in search and rescue operations.

Are all SES volunteers?

In 2018 VICSES  had approximately:

  • 3,547 Operational volunteers
  • 910 Support Volunteers
  • 80 Permanent operational staff
  • 120 Permanent support staff

VicSES Values

In 2017, VICSES started a process to define its values. VICSES values include:

  • We pride ourselves on our credibility
  • We are part of our community
  • Safety drives our decisions
  • Focused and adaptable
  • Together we are VICSES

VICSES Operational Capability Strategy

The aim of the Operational Capability Strategy is to explain both the rationale and the underpinning principles for the development and maintenance of operational capability of VICSES.

Emergency Services Infrastructure Authority

The aim of the Emergency Services Infrastructure Authority (ESIA) is to improve the delivery of emergency services infrastructure in Victoria. Currently, ESIA is delivering infrastructure for the Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES), and Life Saving Victoria (LSV) built infrastructure projects and Marine Search and Rescue (MSAR) sector vessels.

We work as one

The ethos of “We work as one” is a shared goal identified by Emergency Management Victoria. “We work as one” places a priority on both government and agencies working together cooperatively to enable a flexible and networked response that supports the community.

The best piece of advice

Mark Crosweller, AFSM – “‘imagine the unimaginable’ and act accordingly” – Improving our capability to better plan for, respond to, and recover from severe-to-catastrophic level disasters by Mark Crosweller


Richard de Crespigny (Captain of QF32) – At the beginning of the Singapore/Sydney leg of flight QF32, one of four engines exploded. The damage to the aircraft was extensive.


What is the SES phone number in Victoria?

For emergencies how do you call SES?

In Victoria, you can call 132 500 for flood, storm, tsunami and earthquake emergency.

For life-threatening emergencies call Triple Zero (000).

Victoria Head Office

168 Sturt Street
Southbank, Victoria 3006

Phone: (03) 9256 9000
International: +613 9256 9000

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